Optical Devices Business

Optical Thin Films
and Optical Component
Cleaning Business

Optical R&D Custom
Products and Contract-
based Development

Optical Electronics
Application Business
Optical R&D and Custom Products Production are at the heart of Optoquest’s “monozukuri” or the art of manufacturing. The elemental technologies which support these areas include: 1) optical designing and mounting (functional photonics designing, designing of lenses, electronic circuits, software, machines and high-precision fiber alignment, high-precision optical interference technology and polarization control technology) and 2) thin film processing technology (precision processing and optical thin film processing). Our customers include universities, research institutions, R&D divisions of major manufacturers etc. in Japan. Upon their request for advanced prototypes, Optoquest develops and supplies optical fiber assemblies, space optics modules and lab equipment with different optical characteristics such as polarization, phase, dispersion, etc. We can also meet the needs for advanced tailor-made equipment based on customers’ unique specifications.

Most of our custom products are assembled using a high-performance collimator. Our unique assembly method for building optical units allows precise positioning of semi-conductor elements, light-receiving elements, optical crystals, optical components and waveguides. When determining the optical evaluation method, we consult with our customers thoroughly. Prior to the measurement of each data, we obtain solid references. Recently, electrical motor-driven mechanisms have been introduced to many of the moving parts of the optical units, which have conventionally been manually-operated. They can be externally controlled by GPIB for better repeatability of data and a shorter operation time.

Many of the products we custom-develop for our customers include state-of-the-art technologies, which are proprietary to the customers and we cannot, unfortunately, publish photographs of the finished products. They are all very innovative products, which are often seen at academic societies and other professional conferences.

We also develop products on a contract basis in our Contract-based Development Business, which was originally derived from our Optical R&D Custom Products Business. Although the detailed procedure of development differs from product to product, there is one thing that happens every time: we always work in collaboration with the client. After signing the confidentiality agreement by the both parties to ensure the secrecy of the information to be exchanged, clients present us their requirement for the product concept, specifications, pricing and reliability. Then, we identify technical challenges, solutions for such challenges, potential risks associated with the solutions and our deliverables.

In the R&D Custom Products and Contract-based Development Business, Optoquest offers the latest “monozukuri” or the art of manufacturing with our comprehensive technological capabilities in optics and other areas. To ensure that it happens, we constantly improve our essential technologies. With our all-round strength with innovative mind to pursue the development of new technologies, extensive portfolio of available technologies and comprehensive development capabilities, we offer a variety of solutions to our customers. Optoquest will meet the needs of researchers looking for a breakthrough in their lab experiments as well as manufacturers seeking partners for collaborative study or development.

OPTOQUEST Co., Ltd. Headquarters
1335 Haraichi, Ageo-city, Saitama 362-0021
TEL : +81-(0)48-724-1811    [MAP]
OPTOQUEST Co., Ltd. Tokyo sales office
2F Ginsan Bldg. 4-3-10, Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023
TEL : +81-(0)3-5200-0801    [MAP]

Copyright (C) 2005 Optoquest Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.